In these series, Rad listened to his inner voice, inner truth without rejecting it. Connecting to his real emotions made him seeing the opening of energies which reflects in his artworks.
Rad invites the audiences to a mystical dance with rainbow colors, from red of the root to purple of the crown. Lets move from the arabesque patterns of the carpets on the ground to the high ceiling and the chandelier.
By reputation of the patterns and colors, he takes the mystical approach of connecting to the higher self which leads to unity with the universe.
Rad invites the audience to his journey of engaging with self study and awareness with a spirit of nonjudgmental curiosity. One feels, free, playful and connected.
The unity of engagement of masculine/feminine, Sun/Moon, Yin/Yang aspects of self, meeting in the third eye and finally the crown will be open to allow for the expression of what happens when the inner marriage is complete.
We travel beyond the earthy status to feel Nirvana and connecting to the higher power.
The carpets on the floor symbolize the root of our being. The direction of these objects are in the position to stand for prayer and connect to our higher selves.
By standing on carpets, one, finds harmony within self and rooted in the right position, the inner flow starts to dance and becomes fluid. Here is the time, the audience starts feeling the true freedom and balance. By understanding this powerful journey within, which leads to liberty, the connection with the universe follows.
There is a moment of connection with higher self, the inner harmony that flows and dances towards eternity and that is the eternal glory.